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"Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are taught in falsehoods school. And the one man that dares to tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and fool" Plato
Because the unaware are unaware, that they are unaware.
* Editors note: This guide is still a work in progress, check back for new additions
Public Law 829 (77th Congress) Sec. 4(a) : "The flag should never be displayed with the union down SAVE AS A SIGNAL OF DIRE DISTRESS"
presents ORDO AB CHAO
A great bunch of guys and gals. We call them Big Brother, the Shadow Government, the International Bankers, the Elite, the Illuminate, the Skull and Bones, the Bilderbergs. THEY CALL IT THE NEW WORLD ORDER.
Introductory page: Republic vs Democracy U.S. Constitution Background on founding fathers The Police State FBI Document: Defenders of the Constitution are Terrorists Judges trained to resist Constitutional Law The UN Charter The Communist Manifesto Rothschild Rockefeller Cecil Rhodes Carroll Quigely Counsel on Foreign Relations Trilateral Commission The Bilderbergs
TIME LINE 1000 AD to 1866: Virginia Charter of 1606 The Birth Of the Spirit of America The Son's of Liberty The American Revolution The evolution of the flag Washington's "Son of the Republic" vision Cornwallis's "holly war" statement to Washington The Paris Peace Treaty of 1783 (we sold our soul) King George III, "Prince of the US" in 1783 ? The Jay Treaty/Pay off to the Crown The missing 13th Amendment The Civil War oops, my dog ate the original 13th Amendment The 14th13th Amendment impostor
TIME LINE 1868 to 1931 14th Amendment: Law or Contract State citizen vs Federal Citizen Treason in government Admiralty law on land The Republic: The empty house Three Flags Three meanings Financial panic and manipulation Jekyll Island Illegally ratified 16th Amendment Fed Reserve, income tax & IRS Rhodes/Milner secrete societies WW I The League of Nations The Counsel on Foreign Relations The INTENTIONAL Depression of the 1930's Let 'em eat cakesoup
TIME LINE 1931 to 1965
TIME LINE 1965 to 1980
TIME LINE 1980 to 2004
TIME LINE 1776 to 2004 Shadow Government: Secret societies, Skull & Bones Illuminati, Free Masonry, Knights Templar 2004 puppetscanidates.. ...are Skull & Bones Adam Weishaupt Albert Pike Rothchild's Dynasty Cecil Rhodes 13 Illuminated bloodlines Counsel on Foreign Relations Trilateral Commission The Bilderbergs The Lucis Trust Bill Cooper's MAJESTYTWELVE The family that praysPREYS together The adventures of Geromimo's skull What the HELL is going on at the Denver Airport?
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